What is the best laundry detergent for septic tanks?
Owning a septic tank means you have to change your way of thinking about even the most common of household tasks. We’ve previously talked about the best sort of toilet roll you can use, but in this blog we’re talking about washing your clothes. Have you ever wondered what is the best laundry detergent for septic tanks? Septic tanks rely on a delicate balance of bacteria to break down waste, and using the wrong type of detergent can severely disrupt this balance. This can lead to costly repairs and even flooding of your grounds and property. If this happens, you can rely on Septic Tank Services to sort everything out in properties within Scotland and the north of England.
However, here’s a few tips on what to look out for when selecting laundry detergent for your home with a septic tank to avoid unnecessary problems.
What to avoid
If you are using detergents with heavy fragrances to help your clothes smell ‘clean’, then those chemicals are probably hurting the good bacteria in your septic tank. Similarly, avoid antibacterial laundry cleansers. These are meant to clean your machine but with a septic tank, they are going to do a whole lot of damage to your little bacteria friends, especially if you use them regularly.
You should also avoid detergents with dyes in them. These are added to some types of detergents and pods in order to make whites ‘whiter than white’. They don’t actually make your clothes any cleaner – they just give the impression of it, whilst potentially disrupting the balance in your septic tank. Avoid!
Laundry detergents to use
So what should you be looking for in a detergent that won’t cause your septic tank to fail? Ideally, look for any that are marked as eco-friendly or septic safe. These are specifically formulated to clean your clothes without damaging the eco-system of the bacteria in your tank. They are also better for the environment too.
A good laundry detergent for septic tanks should be free from chemicals like surfactants. Although these help break down oils in your dirty clothes, they can be harmful to your tank’s bacteria. It’s always a good idea to choose liquid detergents if possible, over powder. That’s because powder can sometimes clump together in your pipes or create a sludge. Liquid will avoid this issue altogether.
High-efficiency (HE) detergents are another good option to consider. They are designed to produce fewer suds and to use less water in a wash. This is great for your septic tank as it means less going into it, whilst you still get the same result of clean clothes. Excessive suds from regular detergents can also overflow into your drain field, causing issues with water absorption and soil clogging.
Clean clothes, healthy tank!
So do make sure that you use the correct sort of detergent that won’t clog or harm your septic tank. However if you do have a problem and are looking for someone to investigate and fix it, then give us a shout. We cover all of Scotland and the north of England. Get in touch today.