Common problems seen by septic tank installation companies
As one of the main septic tank installation companies in Scotland and the north of England, we’ve seen our fair share of problems when it comes to waste solutions. We assist clients when a fault in their system affects their properties. The fault often traces back to poor installation decisions made when the tank was first installed. This can lead to very expensive repairs – and even a complete removal and reinstallation of a new septic tank.
Here are some of the problems we have come across (and also why you should hire us to install your septic tank in the first place!)
Unsuitable sites
So often we’ll come across a tank which is simply in the wrong location. It might be that it is too shallow or too deep. It might be installed in an area which is close to many trees, resulting in problems with root growth penetrating the pipework. Some ground is liable to flood, and in such cases the water can actually move the tank. Even slight movement can cause pipes to come loose and the tank to become unstable.
Finding the right location for your septic tank is crucial. Often, the easiest place to locate it may not be the best long-term, and we can advise on that.
Wrong tank size
It’s important to think of the future when installing your septic tank. Although at the moment you may just be a couple moving into a home, you may soon start a family. Who knows how big that will get! So make sure you future-proof your septic tank and get the right size installed at the start. This way, you don’t have to dig it up and put in a bigger one later.
If your tank is too small, then not only will you have to empty it more often, it runs the risk of overflowing which can cause very smelly problems.

Poorly planned drainage field
The drainage field is where your waste water is released back into the environment so it can percolate down back to the water system,. To do so, the ground must be able to allow water to run through it. Not too fast, and not too slow! Get this part wrong, and you might end up with a muddy, smelly bog in your back garden. There might even be some flooding with water you really don’t want to be standing in barefoot.
We can help you decide on where to put your drainage field, and perform percolation tests to make sure it’s suitable. Speak to us at your planning stage to really feel the benefit of our years of experience.
Get in the professionals
Whilst it may be tempting tog to think you could dig a hole and install a septic tank yourself, it’s probably going to be easier in the long run to get us to do it. We’re efficient, professional and have seen enough mistakes made by others to know what to avoid. We’ve also got all the correct gear, tools and machinery. Of course, we’ll happily come to fix any problems that may occur if you do try to put a septic tank in yourself. But we’d rather do it right for you first time. Septic Tank Services cover all of Scotland and the north of England, and septic tank installation companies like us are trustworthy and customer focussed. Get in touch today to discuss your installation needs.